Hello friends, Its being a greatest time of 4 years I had my days @ NITK Surathkal .. really unforgettable with lotz of fun and masthi with the friends. Penning down some of the usual words that we used to have in those days
Machcha — A pal or buddy (from Tamil, meaning brother-in-law) Othla — Wasting away time, loitering; example: “This semester, all did was othla” means “I didn’t study well this semester” Princi — Principal of the institution Grub — Campus food, fast food Joint — A hand rolled cigarette mixing tobacco and marijuana Ennada — What’s up (from Tamil) 420 — Unreliable guy,� popularized by a Hindi movie Shree 420, called so after the section 420 of Indian Penal code. By Two — Short form of “one by two”, where you buy one cup of tea of coffee and ask it� to be divided into two parts so it can be shared. Freak Out — A gala time. Example: “We freaked out on the beach” means “We had a lot of fun on the beach”. Gandhi — A good student who doesn’t smoke, drink or eat meat. Example: “He was a Gandhi till 3rd semester, but now doing joints”. Prepone — Opposite of postpone; advance a prior appointment Ragging — Hazing, Indian campuses have a tradition of welcoming the freshmen with harassment and pranks. Blue Film — a pornographic movie. It is a common pastime among boys to watch pirated movies while lampooning the characters of the movie. Porn movies are also referred as “pondy” Fag — A cigarette. “Give me a fag” means “Please give me a cigarette”. “Let’s go for a fag” is very commonly used for “Let’s go for smokes”. Chumma — (from Tamil, popular in Southern India) Just like that, without an apparent cause or reason. Example: “Ichumma stopped by” Despo — A desperate man |
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