Apr 16, 2008

Free heart treatment for kids at Sri Sathya Sai Institute in Bangalore

Today I got an interesting and a more useful mail from one of my college friend regarding  an absolutely free of cost  heart treatment (including open heart surgery) for kids which will bring an everlasting smile on children needing heart treatment, at Sri Sathya Sai Institute Higher Medical Sciences, Bangalore.


The free service will enable the needy parents to have their kids treated without being worried about the cost since most of the children's who are having heart problems,their parents couldn't afford for their operation .

The Sri Sathya Sai Institute Higher Medical Sciences is located in E.P.I.P. Area, White Field, Bangalore.

The responsible authorities can be contacted for any information regarding this free treatment with the below given address

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences
EPIP Area, Whitefield,
Bangalore 560 066,
Karnataka, INDIA.

Telephone: +91- 080- 28411500
Fax +91 - 080- 28411502
Email :adminblr@sssihms.org.in

Click this for more info


Please show heart by passing this needful information on to all who are in need !

Thank You !


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