Apr 1, 2008

'Table of Contents' : a new way to replace your default Blogger Archive Widget

Being a regular blogger I frequently used to find new things for my blogger page layout like widgets, hacks etc. Since from the past couple of months I was pretty irritated with the blogger's blog archive widget which my site visitors will use to browse blog contents. But today while playing with my daily mate called Google Search I found superb way to browse the entire contents of my blog in a much easier passion with a single click. I would like to simply call it as 'TOC' (Table of Contents)


All you need to do is a simple update to your blogger HTML and CSS and you are done. Since I found it more useful and hope you can try the same for yours also. You can try the same with my blog by just clicking on 'Easy Go Avirules' link on my right side bar.
NOTE: Please make sure that you have have a complete backup of your blog code, before trying this hack !

Here is how it goes...


Follow the Below Steps:

Backup your template first before start (recommended)

1. Go to edit template and look for the code <b:section> with id=main. This is the section which holds all of your blog posts. Which looks similar to the below

<b:section class='post' id='main' maxwidgets='x' showaddelelment='yes'>

change the above line of code to

<b:section class='main' id='main' maxwidgets='x' showaddelelment='yes'>

Save the template

2. Go to Add Page Elements and add a HTML/Java Script page element above your blog posts and put the below code into it before saving

<div id="toc"></div>

3. Now add another HTML/Java Script page element to either your left or right sidebar and put the below code into it before you save. (don't forget to update your blog URl in the code)

Please download the code from this link

4. At last download the code from the below given link and then add it either to the <b:skin> part of the template directly or the side bar page element used in the above STEP 3

Please download the code from this link

That's it. Go ahead and refresh you blog once.. Really cool na !


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